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Shayan Saria – The Cheif Minch of Blue Minch

Designed and built with care, filled with creative
elements and useful options.

The Chief Minch

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School Days in Siliguri

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Although, like most Marwaris, Shayan Saria came from a business family, he did not grow up with any ambition to start his own business. In school, he was just another normal boy who loved to talk, enjoyed life, and hated studies – not one marked out for money and success, “I was never a good student,” he admits candidly. School was for fun and friends, and the Mahbert High School in Siliguri where he studied from Class X to XII offered plenty of both.

The First Spark

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It was only in Class VIII that a teacher, Mr. Biman Sarkar, sparked his academic curiosity. The subject he taught was computers, and Shayan grew fascinated with coding and creating. “It was then that I decided that I wanted to become a software developer,” he says. “But that needed grades to take science which I never had. Also, my father wanted me to take up commerce and give time to the family business. I bluntly refused.”
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codding in design

Determined to Learn

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He was quite determined to master the digital world, and coaxed, fought and pleaded at both home and school until he was permitted to take science.  Not surprisingly, in the board exams, he only did well in computers, barely scraping through other science subjects. By then he had learned that IIT was the place to be for engineering so he decided to sit for the JEE. “I failed, of course,” he recalls.  “In spite of the talent I had in computer science, the IIT-JEE exam wants applicants to excel in maths, physics and chemistry, which I never did.”

On to Bangalore

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“After these repeated failures, I started to lose trust in myself and my decisions,” confesses Shayan. “Since I had earlier refused to join the family business so rudely, it was hard on my pride to take it up, so I thought I’ll aim for UPSC.” His father took him to Kolkata for counselling from his best friend, Mr. Raju Das who was a Forest Officer. After discussing the options, he advised me to trust my initial decision to learn software engineering, and go to Bangalore for studies.  His father agreed.
upsc logo and name - blueminch
start your ecommerce store today - blueminch

The Startup World

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Bangalore was a revelation. Compared to his laid back home town, it was a happening city, bubbling with ideas. Everyone was keen to learn, explore and do something new. In the hostel he met an energetic guy, Ashutosh Saksham, and they became enthused by the idea of launching their own start-up. This was 2021, and Bangalore was aggressively pushing e-commerce, leaving traditional offline stores in distress. “As budding entrepreneurs, we thought digitizing the brick and mortar businesses would benefit them,” explains Shayan. “And of course make us tons of money!” They decided that their startup would be called Your Replica and modelled on Shopify.

An important insight

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The one thing the young duo knew about start-ups was that they required funding. So the first step was to attend a seminar on fund raising. “At the end we went running after Mr. Puneet, the speaker, to get our idea validated and take personal tips on how to raise investment. He told us nobody funds an idea, instead we should do survey to find out if such a service is required.” Taking his advice to heart, they started systematically talking to retailers. As they learned, they refined their ideas. The prospects looked promising.
tips to grow your business online
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A near-fatal accident

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They would usually go around Bangalore in Ashutosh’s  scooty, and Shayan soon wanted to learn how to ride. One day, while still learning, he lost control and collided with a Wall, suffering severe injuries. Ashutosh, who was fortunately uninjured, carried the unconscious Shayan to 3 different hospitals in desperate search for treatment, to somehow save his life. The leg was shattered and the doctors were doubtful if he would ever walk again. His strong will and youthful vitality helped in the healing and finally, after numerous surgeries and a month in hospital he was finally discharged.

Return to Siliguri

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Discharge was only the first step as weeks of recuperation and therapy would be required before. “Apart from the trauma, the accident and hospitalization was a huge strain on family finances,” says Shayan. “Since our family was not that well off, my uncle had to support my treatment. I had little choice but to return to Siliguri.” On 17th April, 2020 he left Bangalore for Siliguri. Shortly afterwards the Covid pandemic locked down all travel.
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A new beginning

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By the time the lockdown started to be relaxed Shayan had recovered sufficiently to be mobile again. He decided to get into digital marketing, which had become the need of the hour with multiple physical restrictions in place. He employed a young woman, Komal, who could design beautiful post and write the content while he would post them on Social Media. “That was all the social media marketing we could do,” he confesses. “I was always good at sales, so I brought in clients and Komal would design the post. Soon we were making good money.”

A big setback

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Things were going smoothly until one day Komal announced that she was resigning to join a big company. This was a huge shock and left him de-motivated to the extent that he thought of closing down his business. But he had his clients and reasoned that he needed was a larger scale of operations where work could be divided in an organized team. “This was the time I realised that multitasking is the art of screwing everything up. Every job has to have a person assigned to it. Instead of trusting a single person, I had to build an ecosystem of trust where everyone is assigned and trusted to take responsibility.” It was to become the defining character of Blue Minch.
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My Inspiration

“I don’t believe in taking right decisions, I take decisions and make them right.”

— Mr. Ratan Tata